Machine Tool & Metal Enhancement Work

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Machine Tool & Metal Enhancement Work

Taiwan Hardware Show

THS is one of Asia's top trade fairs for the entire hardware and DIY sectors offering specialist traders and buyers with a comprehensive category of products and services. It is Taiwan's biggest and only true B2B hardware show, serving as a trading platform for sourcing and procurement. THS features a complete range of hardware products to showcase world class Taiwan quality, precision and service.

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Machine Tool & Metal Enhancement Work

International Metal Technology Taiwan

A unique industry structure has developed in Taiwan over the years. Through its role as an industry cluster, Taiwan provides the flexibility and cost-effectiveness other markets cannot offer. Taiwan’s strong focus on manufacturing is one of the reasons for the high demand for quality metals and machinery.

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Machine Tool & Metal Enhancement Work

 Taiwan International Tools & Hardware Expo

The first "Taiwan International Hardware Tools Fair" sponsored by the Taiwan Hand Tool Industry Association, guided by the International Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; and by the National Development Fund Strengthening Investment Project Office, Taiwan Economic Research Institute, Taiwan Screw Industry Association, Taiwan Machine Tool and Zero Co-organized by the Components Industry Association and the Taiwan Plastics Industry Association, it will be held at Taichung International Exhibition Center from October 12 to 14, 2022.

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Morning in coworking. Contemporary office interior with furniture
Machine Tool & Metal Enhancement Work


The Rise of Hybrid Work

Exhibition time: 2022 4/26 (Thu) ~ 4/28 (Sat)

Exhibition location: Japan/Tokyo/TOKYO BIG SIGHT -Tokyo International Exhibition Center

Electronics Manufacturing | Energy | Mechanical Engineering | IT Communication | AI Artificial Intelligence

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近期接獲客戶詢問,本公司與目前市場上中華民國教授學會、臺灣智庫策略顧問有限公司with any of the following entities currently active in the market: theTaiwan Think Tank, the Republic of China Professors Association, Taiwan Think Tank Strategy Consulting Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Think Tank Policy Promotion Consulting Co., Ltd.,特此聲明。