2023 TGSA Performance Report

Thanks for your support and trusted us

Thank you for your support. In 2023, Think Tank reached new heights.

We are conscientious and work hard to guide customersto pass the subsidy and reach a higher new service height within one year.

In the future, we will update the annual performance of the previous year in January every year.


Annual TGSA Development Key Achievements

successfully coaching


including subsidies, courses and awards
accumulated of fundings in last decade



Grant amount
Up to

1400 People

Completed The ESG Courses


carbon inventories
Assist enterprises to successfully apply for government subsidies


Government Subsidized Services

All-round service, never stop to trying to break our old record!

0 Unit
The total amount of counseling companies

Growth of about 10%

0 Unit
Number of outsourcing matchmaking

This is the total number of matches made, generating a total economic value of over 14 million.

0 00
The total amount of the plan

The total amount of the plan
40% growth

0 Ten Thousand
Total amount approved for the low-carbon project

Subsidy for Low-carbon Smartification
Total amount approved for the project

Every industry, every size

Reputable expertise with widespread acclaim

0 years
longest customer service time

Longest service time for a single customer
A total of 6 cases of long-term cooperation
2 cases approved at once in 2023 + 1 boutique award

Customer service cycle is 2 years

Clients who cooperate with this agency carry out an average of 2~3 cases
Average 2 years

0 Types
Service Client Company Size

Including start-ups, small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises and medium-to-large enterprises

0 Book
New book on government subsidy cases released
0 Article
Business Week Report
0 Broadcast
educational radio station broadcast
20 %
Companies with less than 5 people
25 %
Small companies
Companies with less than 20 employees
45 %
Medium enterprise
21 ~ 200 people company
10 %
Medium to large enterprises
Companies with more than 200 employees
Professional team, accompany you all the way

Project customer service

We provide end-to-end services, focusing on various project risks and issues. With rich experience and guidance, we ensure smooth execution and successful completion!

Every Case
Teammates we serve in

Average number of teammates we spend to served per case

The consultant

Professional Consultant

Every Case
The time we coast in


The process reimburse
Total meeting


North , Central , South Consulting Services
Total mileage (Kms)

Thousands Kms

Across various
Type of Industry

Across various professional fields & categories

Completion rate



Course Department

The institution's education center has a complete system and high service efficiency. Every phone call during working hours 5 mins promise ,Complete the answer within 5 minutes, and reply to your needs immediately!

Accumulated in 2023
successfully opened


Accumulated in 2023
Number of people teaching
student certification
pass rate


student satisfaction


Covers international and professional certification courses

Three major professional course directions

Course Direction

ESG Sustainability Course

Course Direction

Japan Association Cooperation Course

Course Direction

Local Courses of Malaysia


ESG carbon inventory guidance

Ensuring the quality of the completed verification level, with zero disputes in service
We not only prioritize professionalism but also focus on service quality

Cumulative successful coaching in 2023
0 +


Satisfied with Counseling
0 %


Confirmation level (Category 3)
0 +


Second Year
0 %

Renew contract

New services
0 Item

Carbon inventory, carbon footprint, CBAM guidance

TGSA smart carbon reduction software
0 Item

Officially introduced in 2024

Continuous improvement and continuous efforts

Achievements completed in 2023

Our team started investing in ESG 2 years ago
Continuously improve and optimize services
Now we can serve you more

Target Counseling Estimated/Achieved Carbon Reduction Amount and Smart Transformation Counseling Vendor Investment Amount areContinuously increasing

Carbon Inventory


Intelligent Counseling
Estimated carbon reductions in current guidance areas 1 and 2


CO2e (tonnes)
Equipment investment amount of intelligent transformation coaching manufacturers


Wherever the customer needs, we are always stand right here.

Outlook 2024

One-stop service from R&D, ESG, awards, and international business

1. Improve Taiwan subsidy case services品質與過案率

2. EstablishMalaysian ESG and international business connectionservices

Establishing a business hub connecting Taiwan with Southeast Asia and the international community, in response to the government's New Southbound Policy.

Oversea branch office Local office Subsidy case 課程
Tokyo Branch Office 2 位 台灣與日本之商務促合與補助案: 4 案 日本協會課程引進:5家以上
Malaysia Branch Office
(Preparation progress 80%)
(training and ongoing recruitment)
The business promotion and subsidy project between Taiwan and Malaysia is under preparation 課程推廣至馬來西亞:1堂
India 籌備中
印尼 籌備中
泰國 籌備中
Our professional consultants is always at your service

Entrust TGSA coaching now

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近期接獲客戶詢問,本公司與目前市場上中華民國教授學會、臺灣智庫策略顧問有限公司with any of the following entities currently active in the market: theTaiwan Think Tank, the Republic of China Professors Association, Taiwan Think Tank Strategy Consulting Co., Ltd., and Taiwan Think Tank Policy Promotion Consulting Co., Ltd.,特此聲明。