What is an "Application for Subsidy" evaluation meeting?

"Repayment-free government subsidy" sounds good, but don't know how to apply? Are there still many questions?

Government subsidies are suitable for enterprises to be included in the annual plan, and it is planned to apply for subsidies of 1 million to 10 million each year.

At the same time, you may want to confirm "application qualifications", "application content", "are the funding arrangements and goals feasible?" "How much manpower does the company actually need to invest? What things and materials should be done?"

If we can provide an effective and guaranteed solution, you agree that "project management" is worth the fee, and you can try our service for free.

Through the meeting, you will reward the followings:

1. "Case" : We have the most complete big data database in the industry. Find out the actual amount of government subsidies for industry-related objects. You'll hear a lot of seemingly mundane ideas on how to get $500,000 to $10 million in innovation. subsidy.

2. "Assessment" assists in analyzing whether the company's plans in recent years have suitable application content and the feasibility of filing a case.

3. "Preferential" It can help to outline the "target" of the planning company through discussion, and give preferential treatment after understanding and maturing the existing data.

4. "Information" You can learn about your company's relevant subsidy information, evaluate and start applying for government subsidies of up to 10 million.

The first full-time accompanying counseling service among the industry.


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